A new week, a new day, a new post. Now I'll continue with my authentic story about our baltic trip. I probably won't write as much as I did before, but I'll try to do my best;)
Asta woke us up really early (at around 10.30 I think) and we tried to decide whether to go to Kaunas and pick up the rest of the Slovenian guys, who came by plane or should we just stick with the old habits and go back to the bar;) We've came to the concussion that it might be nice to pick-up the "lost" guys and show them around. (by lost I mean, lost because their guide was Janvit who is not really known by his orientation abilities in an urban environment;) So we jumped in the car and drove to Kaunas - airport. On the way we've realized that we might have forgotten to change our time (Baltic countries are 1 hour ahead of Central European Time) so the concussion was that we were not half an hour before schedule as we though, but actually half an hour behind it;) With that in mind, we called the rest of the Slovenian guys and delinquently told them that there is no sense of us going to pick them up in the airport and we should just meet in the Kaunas center. It took some time to convince them that our new plan was the best one we had yet, but after few minutes Miha gave in and we just gained a whole hour that we could spent in Kaunas (the drive from airport to Kaunas center takes around 1 hour with bus). We came to Kaunas center at around 12.15 and we were just about on the verge of starvation so we didn't care about the nice buildings around us, we just wanted to get something to eat;) When we finished our first real meal in Baltic the rest of the pack, the 4 amigos from Slovenia came. And I can't tell you what a pleasant reunion moment it was , the joy, the dancing, the singing and the excitement in that small local restaurant in Kaunas. Well that didn't happen exactly, but still it would have been fun if it did;) After that we went for some sight seeing of Kaunas and of course for one coffee. Few hours later when we saw the whole Kaunas we decided it was high time to leave this place and to had back to Vilnius. At Vilnius we changed the location (we've moved to a hostel, since nobody can host 8 Slovenians at one time). We had some time before the night party started, so we used it to have a bite to eat. In some local restaurant we ate some national dish and drink Lithuanian beer. Asta recommended us this national dish called - Zeppelini, which we all had. At this point I must say the meal was quite good although few Slovenians might disagree with me;) When the Zeppelinis were all in our stomach we went back to our hostel unpacked and started to organize the first official Slo-game in front of the hostel. When the game was over, we (8 slo guys, Asta and 2 of her friends) went for a search for the perfect club. At this point I must add that although we eventually did find the club we did have some problems with Miha. (i'd like to tell you more about this problems, but I think it wouldn't be fair to say in public that security didn't let him in the club;) The club we finally did get into was named ..... ??? Hm yeah I don't remember. So in the club... hm hm ok there was music,.. nice girls, dancing... ok ok what else,... that's probably about it (at least what I remember;). In the morning we took some last looks of Vilnius from one of the highest points in the town, we had our coffee (the Strupenjača was seen there) and then we head out to our next destination; Riga- Latvia. Here are some photos and a video, till next time enjoy.The Slo-gang in front of the Cathedral (from left to right): Blaž, Neno, Kure, Pero, Nejc, Miha, Matej, Janvit
Zeppelini (might not be the right spelling)
Porno producer #1
Mrs. Rose (the most famous beggar in Vilnius)
Just a nice picture;)
Vilnius from above #1
Vilnius from above #2
Vilnius from above #3
Vilnius's beauties - Strupenjača
A interesting bar on wheels and Strupenjača